80 million tonnes of inert construction, demolition and excavation waste is being created annually in the UK, 50% of which is used as recycled aggregate or soil for land engineering or restoration. The other 50% gets dispersed on registered exempt sites, used to backfill quarry voids or disposed of at the dwindling number of landfill sites. The Government’s Waste Hierarchy (Defra, 2011) and European Landfill Directives encourage re-use, recycling and energy recovery, with further landfilling as a last resort.
At the same time, although the amount of Previously Developed Land (PDL) – more usually called ‘Brownfield land’ – and other damaged or underutilised land is decreasing nationally, there’s still an awful lot of it!
Land Logical specialises in delivering creative solutions addressing both of these challenges at the same time. And our approach to the creative use of inert materials includes making sites more productive and with a positive value whether for built development, new landscapes or recreational use.
Contact Land Logical as the first step in exploring these kinds of opportunities.