In 2015 Land Logical Group purchased the renewable energy project at Stone Pit 1 Dartford. At survey a delict war memorial was found in undergrowth and covered by self seeded trees. The memorial was cleared and evaluated for next steps. Our team (led by Robin Jones) researched the history of the memorial and with the help of the Local Parish obtained details of the original drawings and how the parish of Dartford paid for the works from Parish Subs. At this point rather than permanently remove the memorial, the directors of The Logical Group set aside a budget for the restoration and reinstatement of this piece of local history and remembrance. On the 12th November 2021 in its centenarian year the restored monument was open for the first time in over 60yrs to those that wished to pay their respect to the 118 souls that didn't return home from the great war. Please enjoy our photos of this emotional but uplifting day. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.